Saturday, April 16, 2005

Somewhere in the land of China, Mulan awaits... Posted by Hello

Mulans Quest

This story began back in the early spring of 2004 when Lorlyn and I started to discuss the idea of adoption and not being able to have another child. In Sabbath school we had always been intrigued by a couple that adopted a little girl from China (the Willard's) because she was so beautiful (I have to admit I have a softspot for baby girls). Her name is Jia. I had thought that when you consider adoption and believe that you can love a child as if it we're your own considering a orphan that is literally discarded in China you realize that this was journey was meant to be for us. God and life has a way of molding and shaping our lives sometimes outside our comfort zones sometime to call us to something greater and uncomfortable. Thus, the desire to adopt a little girl from China was born out of our hearts. As we enter this journey we realize that we know very little about this far away land and the journey it will take us on. This site is dedicated to the story of the Quest for Mulan Marie Brandenburg.